C4L Academy is a unique online school that is designed to meet each student’s specific needs, wherever they are in their educational journey.
C4L Academy is proudly accredited through Cognia: the largest community of education professionals in the world. They offer accreditation and certification, assessment, professional services, and consulting to help schools drive continuous improvement. You can find out more about how we were work with them here.
C4L Academy courses are closely aligned to Common Core and State Standards. Our curriculum consists of competency-based, engaging content that is focused on relevancy for the adult leaner. Upon submitting an official high school transcript, students can potentially receive transfer credit for eligible courses completed during their high school years.
C4L curriculum features courses that have built-in assessments to ensure concept mastery with each lesson in every course. Students are required to earn 170 credits to receive their high school diploma from our institution.
English is an extraordinarily complex language. Students must learn to read, write, speak, listen, and use language effectively.
C4L Academy’s Language Arts courses are based on articulating core knowledge and skills. Learning the essentials of reading and writing are keys to successfully marketing each student after they earn their high school diploma and begin looking for a better job. Becoming a better reader with a more robust vocabulary will help students become better writers and communicators who can successfully navigate the many types of professional writing necessary to be successful in today’s competitive job market.
The Language Arts courses culminate with each student writing a persuasive essay providing a practical application for the skills learned in the Language Arts courses.
Traditional high school mathematics courses are developed to prepare students for college mathematics. C4L Academy takes a different approach for our adult students.
Each course focuses on essential standards that are necessary to have students feel comfortable with math in their everyday life. Using a blend of video instruction and written course content, students are guided through these essential standards in small, easily understandable chapters.
Rigorous mathematical content is focused on relevancy for our adult students. Once basic math skills have been mastered, practical Algebra and Geometry content that is applicable to understanding the mathematics that surrounds students in their adult lives is presented. The application of the math skills learned in the earlier courses culminate with students applying them to improve their financial literacy.
Social Studies courses in a traditional high school setting can be focused on dates and when certain events occurred and often lacks focus on why each event is important for the United States and our student’s current lives.
C4L Academy’s approach is to understand how important historical events in the world and in the United States have impact on our life today. For example, understanding that World War I occurred in the 1910’s is insufficient. Understanding the impact of World War I, how events led to World War II and the changes in society brought about by these two events is far more important to understanding life today.
The United States government is a democracy that has been described as messy. Understanding this concept forms the basis of C4L Academy’s government course. Understanding basic economic principles helps us contextualize the knowledge learned in C4L Academy’s Financial Literacy course. The themes of relevancy permeate the Social Science courses.
Science that is practical and applicable to everyday life is the foundation of C4L Academy’s science curriculum.
Understanding the living world and physical world around us is important to understanding what impacts us every day. Understanding the atmosphere and human actions helps us understand what climate change is and how it can impact our lives.
Lab simulations and videos are included in each course to help students understand the key scientific concepts.
C4L Academy’s P.E. Courses focus on functional knowledge to help improve the quality of life for our students.
Currently, there are 20 credits required for P.E.:
Physical Activity (10 credits)
P.E. Nutrition & Health (10 credits)
and 20 credits required for Electives that can either be earned through transfer credit or with the following courses we offer:
Adventures in Parenting (10 credits)
Astronomy & Space Science (10 credits)
Poetry (10 credits)
C4L Academy’s elective courses highlight the main themes present in all of our courses; relevancy, competency-based, and use of a multi-modal instructional approach.