Here's how Rosemary took control of her future:


Rosemary obtained her high school diploma from C4L in August 2021. Here she shares her experiences with us about what it was like to finally be able to say “I graduated!”

What made you want to get your high school diploma?

It was always excuse after excuse after excuse.

And finally, just one day I woke up and said enough is enough. I have to do this for me and for my kids to give them a better life. So I got to stop being lazy and focus on me

How did learning online differ from the classroom?

When somebody's talking to me or trying to teach me stuff, it's like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That's all I hear. And with the program, I actually, it actually captured me, so I stuck with it.

You get to watch different videos on this program. And there's so many different ways that you can find the answer out. Every video showed you different aspects of things. And then you have internet now that you can go back and watch different videos, and you learn things that you didn't think you can learn.

I just got more motivated. I mean, at times I think I finished like two, three subjects in one day. That's how easy it is

What would you say to someone thinking about getting their diploma?

I did it. I'm already almost close to 50, and I didn't think I could do it. So I accomplished it and I would highly recommend it.

It's really easy, you can do it whenever you have time. 20, 30 minutes at the most, you spend time on it. You can knock out a few assignments and you'll be done in no time.

So this is opening a lot more doors for me. And I thank the program for that.